Macoga Expansion Joints

Superior Performance, Reliability & Service Life

MACOGA provides a wide array of pipe expansion products and services to industries such as Oil & Gas Refinement, Power Generation, and Steel that are forced to deal with high temperatures and complicated pressure piping systems. The product engineering and design at MACOGA is done as per the Expansion Joint Manufacturer’s Association (EJMA) standards.

The Expansion Joints from MACOGA offer superior performance, reliability, and service life, resulting in improved plant safety and increased mechanical integrity of equipment.

Metal Expansion Joints

Rubber Expansion Joints

Metal Expansion Joints

Types of Metal Expansion Joints​

Metal expansion joints are compensating elements for thermal expansion and relative movement in pipelines, containers and machines. They consist of one or more metal bellows, connectors at both ends, and tie rods that depend on the application

Thermal growth, equipment movement, vibration or pressure pulsation may generate movement in a piping system. When this movement is not absorbed by the piping system itself, an expansion joint is the perfect solution.

An expansion joint is a device primarily formed by flexible bellows used to absorb movements in a piping system while containing pressure and a medium running through it.

Rubber Expansion Joints

Types of Rubber Expansion Joints​

Thermal growth, equipment movement, vibration or pressure pulsation may generate movement in a piping system. When this movement is not absorbed by the piping system itself, an expansion joint is the perfect solution. The expansion joints allow lateral, axial and limited angular movements.

A Rubber Expansion Joint is flexible connector fabricated of natural or synthetic elastomers, fluoroplastics and fabrics and, if necessary, metallic reinforcements used to absorb movements in a piping system while containing pressure and a medium running through it.


Three basic movements can be absorbed by an Expansion Joint

Axial Movement is the change in dimensional length of the bellows from its free length in a direction parallel to its longitudinal axis.

Angular Movement is the rotational displacement of the longitudinal axis of the bellows toward a point of rotation.

Lateral Movement is the relative displacement of one end of the bellows to the other end in a direction perpendicular to its longitudinal axis.

MACOGA Rubber Expansion Joints are manufactured considering

  • Chemical Resistance
  • Temperature Resistance​
  • Pressure Resistance​
  • Movement Absorption Capabilities
  • Weather, Ozone & UV - Resistance


  • Little space required for installation
  • Absorption of movements in multiple
    directions due to their inherent flexibility
  • They require no maintenance
  • They reduce load and temperature loss to a minimum

Quality Approvals

  • E.J.M.A. (Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association, Inc.)
  • ISO 9001:2015
  • ASME “U” Stamp

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